Exploring Jetpack Compose: Snackbar

If you’re enjoying my posts on Jetpack Compose, check out some details on the book I’ll be writing on Compose! Important: The contents of this article have been deprecated with newer releases for Jetpack Compose. If you’re looking to learn about the Snackbar composable, please see the guides here.

Exploring jetpack Compose: Switch

If you’re enjoying my posts on Jetpack Compose, check out some details on the book I’ll be writing on Compose! Important: The contents of this article have been deprecated with newer releases for Jetpack Compose. If you’re looking to learn about the Switch composable, please see the guides here.

Exploring Jetpack Compose: TriStateCheckbox

If you’re enjoying my posts on Jetpack Compose, check out some details on the book I’ll be writing on Compose! Important: The contents of this article have been deprecated with newer releases for Jetpack Compose. If you’re looking to learn about the TriStateCheckbox composable, please see the guides here.

Exploring Jetpack Compose: Checkbox

If you’re enjoying my posts on Jetpack Compose, check out some details on the book I’ll be writing on Compose! Important: The contents of this article have been deprecated with newer releases for Jetpack Compose. If you’re looking to learn about the Checkbox composable, please see the guides here.

Exploring Firebase UI on Android: Authentication

Firebase UI provides us with a collection of utilities that make it easier to implement common UI components within applications. Firebase authentication provides us a way for our users to validate their identity, without the need to implement all of the back-end work ourselves. hen compared to interacting with the authentication APIs directly, Firebase Authentication… Continue reading