Introducing the FlutterDoc publication

Flutter is a UI framework from Google that can be used to build native experiences that works across popular platforms. When I first discovered Flutter last year I decided to take a bit of a look into it. Now, to be honest, I’ve always been skeptical of frameworks that off cross-platform support —unfortunately I feel like that is a common theme amongst developers, which I am myself guilty of. But I’m a pretty curious person, so I decided to check out the sample apps in the app store and after having a play with the framework myself, I was sold.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to be forgetting about Android development any time soon. I find Flutter an exciting technology and it’s fun to build with, so it’s something I am going to continue to learn about and build with. And whilst doing so, last year I decided to start documenting the things I learn about over at I started this publication to write about the widgets and concepts I was learning about — it got a little quiet at the beginning of this year (I had a few talks to write!) but I’ve recently been picking it back up and plan to write more about practical examples, rather than just being an extension of the documentation.

I plan on publishing something here at least once a week (when possible), so if you’re interested in Flutter then please do follow along!

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