GraphQL is becoming a common technology being used to build APIs. When it comes to clients consuming these APIs, there are a collection of tools available to make this process smoother – one of these tools being Apollo Android. This library allows you to take your graphQL schema and generate a type-safe API to execute… Continue reading
Post Category → Kotlin
Server Driven UI, Part 1: The Concept
I’ve recently been having some conversations with developers from the community about GraphQL and how it is being used in their work, with the aim to influence some of the changes we are making in our stack at Buffer. During one of these chats with Maria Neumayer, there was some experience shared of designing GraphQL… Continue reading
Building an App with Kotlin Multiplatform: Building our Authentication module
In the last post we outlined the foundations for how our kotlin multiplatform project is going to be structured. With this in mind, we’re going to start building the next part of our project – here we’ll start with the remote layer of our application. You may recall seeing how we had each API responsibility… Continue reading
Building an App with Kotlin Multiplatform: Structuring our app
Over the past few months I’ve been seeing more and more talk of Kotlin multiplatform online. With this rise in conversations on the topic, I naturally became more and more curious about the technology. I recently started planning out one of my next side-projects, Minimise – the app to help us think more about the… Continue reading
Exploring GraphQL with Coroutines on Android
In a recent article of mine we took a look at how we could implement OAuth flows in Android with the use of Custom Tabs . This was done using the Product Hunt API and now that we authenticated users within our client, we can go ahead and interact with the rest of the API…. Continue reading
Using Firebase on Android with Kotlin Coroutines
Whilst recently working on a side project I ran into a situation where I needed to make use of the Android Firebase SDKs. This project of mine uses Kotlin Coroutines for all of the asynchronous task handling, so ideally I wanted to keep any Firebase calls to use the same approach – not only so… Continue reading
Performing OAuth on Android with Custom Tabs
Whether we’re building third-party clients for existing API services, or working on our own product that communicates with our own API, it’s likely that we might be working with authentication that uses a form of OAuth. This standard of authentication approach is something that we’re bound to use at some point in our careers, but… Continue reading