GraphQL is becoming a common technology being used to build APIs. When it comes to clients consuming these APIs, there are a collection of tools available to make this process smoother – one of these tools being Apollo Android. This library allows you to take your graphQL schema and generate a type-safe API to execute… Continue reading
Post Category → GraphQL
Server Driven UI, Part 2: The GraphQL API
In the last article, we dived into the Concept of server driven UI – if you haven’t taken a look at that blog post yet, it will serve as a useful reference for the concepts mentioned throughout this post – so I would recommend checking it out. In this article I want to dive into… Continue reading
Server Driven UI, Part 1: The Concept
I’ve recently been having some conversations with developers from the community about GraphQL and how it is being used in their work, with the aim to influence some of the changes we are making in our stack at Buffer. During one of these chats with Maria Neumayer, there was some experience shared of designing GraphQL… Continue reading