Last week at Google I/O we saw the introduction of loads of great Android related news. Whilst I’d love to sit here and talk about everything that was announced, we’re going to take a quick look at the new and exciting ConstraintLayout for Android. To get a better understanding of the ConstraintLayout I took an… Continue reading
Introducing Bourbon: Dribbble, Android, MVP and a Common-Code Module
Having used MVP in my Android projects for a short while now, I’ve been wondering about reusing Presenter classes when creating applications for more than just Mobile devices. For this reason, I built Bourbon as an experiment to see the kind of code that I could share between different application modules. I’m happy to say… Continue reading
Android N: Introducing upgraded Notifications
After writing about the new Picture-in-Picture feature for Android N, I decided to take a deep dive into another of the new features we saw released in the Developer Preview – notifications. Android N sees some great new additions to the notifications API, so lets take a look at some of these new features and… Continue reading
Android N: Introducing Picture-in-Picture for Android TV
Last week we saw the surprise release of the Developer Preview for Android N, which saw some exciting new additions for us to get our hands on! One of these features is known as Picture-in-Picture mode, which leverages the new multi-window APIs in Android N. Let’s take a look at this exciting new feature and… Continue reading
Designing for Android TV
Android TV is an exciting platform, whilst it uses the same Android OS we interact with on our phones, tablets and wearable devices – it requires a different approach when it comes to designing applications for such large screens. I’ve been fixated on Android TV a lot over the last 6 months, so here’s my… Continue reading
Data Structures: Linked List
In Software Engineering 101, the first data structure that we’re going to look at is the Linked List. As the name says, the Linked List is a list which consists of a sequence of accessible nodes. It’s both a simple and common data structure that can be used as an approach for implementations of queues,… Continue reading
Algorithms: Insertion Sort
Welcome to the first post on Software Engineering 101, where I aim to post weekly(ish) deep-dive articles on algorithms, design patterns, data structures and more! This week we’ll be taking a look at the Insertion Sort algorithm. Insertion Sort is an algorithm used to sort a given list of items. It does so by iterating… Continue reading
Handling Android runtime permissions in UI tests
Several months ago I took a look at the new Android Permissions model where things were changing quite a lot with the introduction of Marshmallow. the implementation of this new model meant that we needed to ensure that: We checked if we had the permission we needed when it was required We requested the permission… Continue reading
Vineyard — Creating an Android TV Vine App
Everyone loves TV, I’m certain plenty of households watch hours and hours of live TV every week — it’s as if people are hooked. But is there any reason not to be? Content is always present when using your TV, you can flick between channels and there’s instant playback of media on your screen. Even if we… Continue reading
Exploring Meaningful Motion on Android
At ribot we care about creating beautiful and meaningful experiences for people, in which motion plays a big part. After seeing an inspiring talk at Droidcon London, I decided to dig deep into motion on Android. From this, I’ve put together my findings to help make both Developers & Designers aware of just how easy… Continue reading