Widgets: Raised Button

The RaisedButton widget allows us to create a Button that matches the specification defined in the Material Guidelines here. The RaisedButton has a single constructor that allows us to instantiate the widget with a number of different properties.

new RaisedButton(
  child: const Text('Connect with Twitter'),
  color: Theme.of(context).accentColor,
  elevation: 4.0,
  splashColor: Colors.blueGrey,
  onPressed: () {
    // Perform some action

The above gives us a simple button used to capture click events from user input. You can notice that the child property allows us to pass in a text widget that is used to define the text displayed on the button.

As well as the above, we also have the ability to set the following properties when creating a RaisedButton using the classes constructor.

const RaisedButton({
  Key key,
  @required this.onPressed,
  this.elevation: 2.0,
  this.highlightElevation: 8.0,
  this.disabledElevation: 0.0,
}) : super(key: key);

The properties above are used to declare the following:

  • color — This is the color used for the background color of the button whilst it is in it’s default, unpressed state
  • disabledColor — This is the color used for the button when it is in it’s disabled state
  • disabledElevation — This is the float value used for the elevation of the button when it is in it’s disabled state
  • elevation — This is the float value used for the elevation of the button when it is in it’s default state
  • enabled — This declares whether or not the button is currently enabled
  • highlightColor — This is the secondary color of the button when it is in a pressed state
  • highlightElevation — This is the float value used for the elevation of the button when it is in a pressed state
  • onPressed — This is the callback used to receive events when the button is pressed
  • splashColor — This is the primary color used for the button when it is in a pressed state

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