At Google I/O there were a lot of new announcements around the latest version of Android, P. One of these announcements were Priority Buckets — a battery management update to Android where the system will prioritise resources based on both how recently, and how frequently, the application in question is used. In this article we’re going to… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → Android
Exploring Firebase MLKit on Android: Face Detection (Part Two)
At Google I/O this year we saw the introduction of Firebase MLKit, a part of the Firebase suite that intends to give our apps the ability to support intelligent features with more ease. With this comes the face recognition feature, giving us the ability to recognise faces along with the ‘landmarks’ (nose, eyes etc) and… Continue reading
Exploring Firebase MLKit on Android: Introducing MLKit (Part one)
At Google I/O this year we saw the introduction of Firebase MLKit, a part of the Firebase suite that intends to give our apps the ability to support intelligent features with more ease. The SDK currently comes with a collection of pre-defined capabilities that are commonly required in applications — you’ll be able to implement these in… Continue reading
Exploring the v28 Android Design Support Library Additions
Version 28 of the Android support library was recently announced — within the current alpha version there is a collection of exciting new components that we now have access to. In this article, I want to take a look at the additions which have been made to the Support library in the form of Material view components…. Continue reading
Exploring Android P: Fingerprint Dialog
A few weeks or so ago the first developer preview of Android P was made available to us. Along with this announcement we were introduced to a number of new features and APIs made available to us in this release of Android. Whilst it is still early days (and there are likely new things /… Continue reading
Exploring Android P: Display Cutouts
A few days ago the first developer preview of Android P was made available to us. Along with this announcement we were introduced to a number of new features and APIs made available to us in this release of Android. Whilst it is still early days (and there are likely new things / changes to… Continue reading
Exploring KTX for Android
Yesterday Google announced android-ktx, which is a set of Kotlin extensions for Android app development. It looks like the aim of the library is to continue with the advantages that kotlin brings to our project — less code, more fun and a simpler to understand project. Now, the library is only in preview so it is likely… Continue reading
Exploring the Play Billing Library for Android
In-app billing is a powerful part of the Android framework that allows us to easily monetise our applications with in-app purchases and subscriptions. Google previously provided us with the in-app billing which allows us to implement this within our apps. However, I remember this never being exactly a straightforward task — we’d have to add a InAppBillingService… Continue reading
Exploring Firebase Predictions
At the Firebase Summit this week there were several exciting things that were shared with the community — the one that caught my eye the most was Firebase Predictions. This new service allows you to utilise Firebase to predict the behaviour of users in your app, allowing you to provide personalised experiences that can be used to… Continue reading
Android Architecture Components: Testing your Room DAO classes
In this previous post, we look at testing our ViewModel LiveData from the classes used in the Architecture components library. You can check this post out here if you haven’t yet: Today we’re here to talk about how we can write tests for our DAO classes when we’re using Room for our Database layer in… Continue reading