In version 1.3.0 of Jetpack Compose we see the addition of two sought after composables, the LazyVerticalStaggeredGrid and LazyHorizontalStaggeredGrid. Both of these composables allow us to compose lists of content in a staggered fashion, allowing us to easily compose items that have a range of heights / widths while also supporting lazy composition. In this… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → AndroidDev
Creating custom keyboards with Fleksy
In most applications on your device, there’s likely to be some kind of input field that requires a user to input some textual content. This could be a name, a location or some other kind of specific detail that is used to tailor their experience with your app. With any kind of text input, there… Continue reading
Jetpack Compose Accessibility: Semantics
When it comes to the applications we build, there are many different scenarios and constraints that the end product will encounter. On Android we not only have a vast range of devices running the Android OS, each of which could be running one of many versions of Android, but we also have the different OEMs… Continue reading
5 steps to Google Fonts in Jetpack Compose
When it comes to displaying text in Android Applications, Fonts are used to describe the styling, size and weight of a typeface. In some cases, developers render text in their applications without overriding the default font being used – which results in the default typeface for applications being applied. On the other hand, many applications… Continue reading
Testing an Authentication Form with Jetpack Compose
This blog post is a preview of the Authentication Form project from Practical Jetpack Compose. Pick up the course and learn how to build 11 other projects 🚀 In the first post from this preview, we learnt how to build an authentication form using Jetpack Compose, along with how to manage the state for this user interface. in this… Continue reading
Building an Authentication Form using Jetpack Compose
This blog post is a preview of the Authentication Form project from Practical Jetpack Compose. Pick up the course and learn how to build 11 other projects 🚀 Part one of this preview will teach you how to build an Authentication Form with Jetpack Compose. Next week, I’ll be publishing the second part of the… Continue reading
Exploring Android 12: Splash Screen
With the Android 12 beta now available, we’re starting to learn more about the new features that the latest version of Android gives to us. One of the things that caught my eye here is the introduction of a Splash Screen API – not only providing a standardised way for apps to present splash screens… Continue reading
Exploring the Material Navigation Rail
There was a lot of exciting news announced at Google I/O this week – one of the things I had been looking forward to was hearing about large screen experiences. While these devices and design principles have existed side-by-side for some time, it’s always felt like support for developers has never quite fully been accessible…. Continue reading
Modular Navigation with Jetpack Compose
This post is sponsored by Practical Jetpack Compose. A large amount of mobile apps will need some form of Navigation, allowing users to move between different parts of an application. When implementing these requirements within Android Apps, applications have either rolled their own solutions, relied on traditional intents or the fragment manager, or explored the… Continue reading
Exploring Android 12: Unified rich content API
With the announcement of the first Android 12 Developer Preview announced yesterday, I started to take a dive into some of the API changes and the new things we’ll be getting our hands on. One of these things was the new unified rich content API, providing a simplified way of transferring media between applications. You… Continue reading