Exploring Lazy Staggered Grids in Jetpack Compose

In version 1.3.0 of Jetpack Compose we see the addition of two sought after composables, the LazyVerticalStaggeredGrid and LazyHorizontalStaggeredGrid. Both of these composables allow us to compose lists of content in a staggered fashion, allowing us to easily compose items that have a range of heights / widths while also supporting lazy composition. In this… Continue reading

Modular Navigation with Jetpack Compose

This post is sponsored by Practical Jetpack Compose. A large amount of mobile apps will need some form of Navigation, allowing users to move between different parts of an application. When implementing these requirements within Android Apps, applications have either rolled their own solutions, relied on traditional intents or the fragment manager, or explored the… Continue reading

Getting our apps ready for Jetpack Compose

This post is sponsored by Practical Jetpack Compose. Since the announcement of Jetpack Compose, followed by the developer and alpha releases of the framework, excitement has been building around getting this into our apps. With the migration to Compose, we will see huge improvements in developer productivity, application stability and maintainability, as well as other… Continue reading

Server Driven UI, Part 1: The Concept

I’ve recently been having some conversations with developers from the community about GraphQL and how it is being used in their work, with the aim to influence some of the changes we are making in our stack at Buffer. During one of these chats with Maria Neumayer, there was some experience shared of designing GraphQL… Continue reading