We’ve all been there are some point – using our Android device and things start to feel like they’re getting a bit warm in our hands. Whether we’re playing a game or using an application that is performing an intensive operation, these things can often require a lot of resources which makes our device work… Continue reading
Exploring Android Jetpack: Preferences
Settings screens provide a way for our users to configure our application for the way in which they want it to look, feel and behave. As well as this, it’s also a great place for us to provide links to external information such as privacy policies, open-source licences and more. Whilst we can build these… Continue reading
Adding in-app purchases to Flutter apps
In many applications that we build we want to offer some way to monetize the product. Be it through subscriptions, one-off purchases or upgrades – these all provide a way to offer more value to our users. We’ve long done this through our Android (via Google Play) and iOS (via iTunes) applications, and now that… Continue reading
Our favourite things from Google I/O 2019
This year I was lucky enough to attend Google I/O with some great company. Over the course of the event we attended many sessions, so we decided to write a short post together on our favourite parts from the event. Note: These are just a few of our favourite events. Be sure to check them… Continue reading
Exploring Flutter Packages: Date Time Picker
When it comes to developing applications, theres often some form of component or functionality that you need that doesn’t quite come as standard. In this new series I want to share some of the Flutter packages that I’ve been using in my projects – this is in the hope that it will help you to… Continue reading
Exploring CameraX on Android: Use Cases
In my last article we introduced the CameraX API, along with the Camera View component found within the source of the project. In this article we’re going to dive into the second part of the CameraX API – the core library to learn what it is and how we can make use of the functionality… Continue reading
Exploring CameraX on Android: Camera View
If you’ve ever used the Camera APIs on Android, you may have felt that they’ve never been the simplest thing to implement. There was originally the Camera API, which was deprecated in favour of the Camera2 API – this iteration aimed to provide developers with a better experience when dealing with camera APIs on Android…. Continue reading
Exploring in-app updates on Android
I’m sure there has often been a time when you’ve needed to send out an app update that has some form of urgency – maybe there’s a security issue or some bug which is causing a lot of issues for users. Previously, we’ve needed to roll out a new update on the Google play store… Continue reading
Native Flutter Experiences: Bottom Navigation
When building Flutter applications, we have the ability to create native components which are styled for the native experience on both Android and iOS. Whilst by default we may implement things in a material style, it is important to bear this native experience in mind. In this article we will take a quick look at… Continue reading
Exploring Firebase ML Kit on Android: Smart Reply
Last week Firebase announced a new feature within ML kit that was entering its beta stage, Smart Reply. If you’re not familiar with Smart Reply, the functionality allows applications to supply a collection of suggestions for user input based off of previous content from the current context. A common use case for this is within… Continue reading